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If you are a producer and have stream exclusion fencing, you may be eligible for a 50% cost share rebate ($125 max per producer) on purchases of approved herbicides to manage vegetation in fence lines and spot treatment of non-native invasive plants in stream buffer areas. This program is restricted to stream exclusion areas installed to protect water quality.

This program is open to all that have excluded livestock from streams and not just those that have participated in government sponsored cost share programs.  Producers are eligible to participate each year.

Applications are due to the Extension Office by September 30, 2021 by mail: 1257 County Farm Road, Suite B, Bedford VA, 24523 or email Scott Baker. If you are approved, you will be notified by letter shortly thereafter of the amount for which you are approved.

Each participant will agree to spot checks scheduled in advance with permission of participant to verify compliance with program rules. Participants also will be required to submit a report documenting the date and approximate feet of fence treated. If treatments cannot be made before onset of cold weather in 2021, treatments may be delayed to 2022 growing season.

Funding is provided by the Bedford County Board of Supervisors and the Peaks of Otter Soil and Water Conservation District.